Thursday, February 15, 2007

Another Yucky Teacher/Student Story

For awhile we had a run on the woman teacher/male student stories. Now we have another male teacher/male student story.

GOLDEN, Colo. — A jury Wednesday convicted a middle school teacher on 35 felony charges stemming from a scheme to have students in his class undress so he could photograph them in sexually explicit poses in exchange for items, including a duck call...

Prosecutors said Walker would invite the boys to go hunting, shooting, movies and going out to eat. To get the boys to pose, he would offer them items such as a gun, pornographic videos, and in one case, change a failing grade, prosecutors said.


OK, so the guy's a sicko and thankfully will be locked up. I'd say something else here, but someone would probably squeal that I'm blaming the "victim". When you're being given porn or a passing grade, I'm pretty sure you know what you're doing probably isn't quite right--especially when you're in the 13-15 age range.

Yuck all around.


  1. Anonymous5:53 PM


  2. You find that funny? Eww.

  3. Anonymous6:49 PM

    I wonder why so few people see such things as a stunning failure of competent supervision? We always blame teachers, but apparently never stop to ask why principals aren't on top of these issues. Remember that teachers have no hiring, firing, or supervision authority.

    It would be interesting indeed to know what kind of performance evaluations this fellow had. Under current NCLB-type proposals, so long as his kids tested well, he'd be just grand, would he not?

  4. Anonymous8:38 PM

    You don't? It's funny in a sick way.

  5. Anonymous8:47 PM

    I support the death penalty

  6. I don't quite think that NCLB is there to determine who's psychologically fit to teach.

    I'm also not sure this is as much an administrative lack of supervision as it is a parental lack of supervision.

  7. Anonymous9:23 AM

    You want eww: "PORTLAND, Ore. — An 84-year-old woman who confessed to having sex with an 11-year-old boy in her foster care reached a deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty Thursday to attempted sex abuse, officials said.",2933,252379,00.html

    Now, THAT'S gross!

  8. There's a lot of that lately here too:

    "A Greene County woman on parole for having sex with four teenage boys pleaded guilty to charges that she had sex with a 15-year-old girl in July."

    "A suspended Fayette County middle school teacher will be monitored on house arrest for having a sexual relationship with a 16-year-old girl he had taught four years earlier."

    "A man is again facing sexual assault charges, this time involving a 5-year-old boy in a bathroom at the First Presbyterian Church in Greensburg in October."

  9. Great gross-fest, guys. I am now totally nauseated.

    And why didn't ANYONE catch on to this beforehand? Because no one was watching, which is an excellent point. And those supervisors have abetted this behavior, and are complicit.

  10. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I could care less about the principal, where were the parents!?
