Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Texas Pizza Chain Accepts Pesos

I support this wholeheartedly.

See, it's entirely legal for them to accept pesos. They think it gives them a competitive advantage to accept pesos. Many of their customers like that they accept pesos. Some don't.

"This is America, We speak English and our currency is the U.S. dollar. I will no longer visit your restaurant due to your demonstrated inability to assimilate into the culture of this country," said one irate former customer in an e-mail sent to Pizza Patron on Monday morning.

And that's fine, too. Because when businesses do something to attract one segment of population, that sometimes turns off another segment of population. It's the business' job to determine if they come out ahead in the process or if they lose money.

Notice what's lacking in this story? Government interference. Government hasn't told Pizza Patron that is must, or is not allowed to, accept pesos. The company is doing this all on its own.

The market at work.

Update, 1/12/07: Apparently, not everyone is as tolerant as I am. Not everyone believes in the virtues of the free market as I do.


  1. Anonymous4:18 PM

    While it is certainly within their perogative to accept pesos, or any other exchange for their services, I would be concerned on a couple of issues. First if you look here
    Notice how in the main script it says that the company serves the Hispanic community. It doesn't say that it serves the Dallas community, or the Denton County community but just the Hispanic community. That in itself tells me that my business is unwanted. Secondly, I would be concerned with the exchange of pesos for dollars. Is there a fair rate of exchange? Does it change daily as the dollar floats or falls? Are the people being so served recieve full compensation for their pesos and who is checking to make sure this is so? Finally, while I think it's terrific to create a business designed to capture a part of the market, I find it a little off putting that this particular company claims to only hire people who are Spanish speaking or bilingual. Isn't that discrimination? What is someone is Vietnamese and speaks English, do they have a lawsuit? There are just too many issues that bug me about this company to ever want to give up Mr. Jims or our local pizza place.

  2. And your view is entirely acceptable as well. If you think they've written you off, then so be it. I wish Pizza Patron well--and I wish Mr. Jims well, too! As I said, the market at work.

    The linked article discussed the exchange rate; I didn't think it necessary to include that part of the discussion in my post.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    why dont we just annex mexica, and call it southern california??? we're half way there already arent we?

  4. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I'm not sure why some people find this to be such a big deal. Lots of business in areas where multiple currency might circulate will accept different currencies. The one time I was in Canada for any length of time, specifically in Toronto, almost every place I saw took both Canadian and US dollars. Does that mean Canada was caving in to the endless waves of undocumented US workers? Not exactly.

    It's pretty easy to train employees -- or program the cash register -- to do the math on this, and it's pretty easy to convert the currency into USD down at the local bank. So why shouldn't they?

  5. Anonymous6:35 PM

    It's just like letting Hispanics vote when they don't speak English. That angers me, too.

  6. Anonymous9:41 PM

    If people in America can't accept pesos, then people in Canada, Mexico, The Bahamas, Aruba, Venezuela, Thailand, Australia, etc, can't accept the US dollar. We can't expect everyone to accept us without question and not make accommodations for anyone else. That would be hypocritical, and we all know Americans aren't hypocritical...


  7. Funny how you threw The Bahamas and Aruba in there, Eric. Nice jab. =)

  8. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I didn't go to The Bahamas.

