Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Seeing-eye Dogs At School

Periodically I'll see students around our high school training seeing-eye dogs. In fact, one of my current students was training one, and I spoiled the dog rotten during a test one day. Today I read a story about training such dogs at colleges, so they get used to being around people.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    i wonder how the college professors will feel when the dogs take a crap in the lecture hall's

  2. I assume they're housebroken.

  3. Anonymous7:48 PM

    When my daughter was an RA, there were two girls in her dorm training puppies for guide dog training. They have to get them to trust people and to interact. One was a gorgeous Golden Retriever and the other was a German Shepard/Lab mix. Great dogs. I understand the 4H is now trying to entice inner city kids into joining by training service animals. The hardest thing would be giving them up at the end of the cycle. What a wonderful thing to do! And they say there aren't any good kids out there...

  4. Anonymous10:45 AM

    All those dogs annoy me.

  5. You just hate blind people.

  6. Anonymous11:52 AM

    No, but those dogs annoy me.
