Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Principal Arrested and Charged With Obstruction of Justice

Cheerleaders and booze--that's the makin's of a good story.

Update, 1/27/07: But wait, there's more--including sex with national guardsmen!


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    why did you post this?

  2. Anonymous5:57 PM

    ...and why did you post this exactly?

  3. Because I thought it was interesting.

    Why do you question my motives?

  4. Anonymous7:22 PM

    im just wondering why the writer though it was necessary to post the the person lives "80 miles northwest of columbia"......why does that matter?

  5. Scott, you misunderstood. The dateline was Columbia, South Carolina, and the article ended by telling the reader where the *high school* is located. That seems reasonable enough for me.

  6. Anonymous9:39 PM

    I'm just glad it wasn't in Texas. If you read my blog you will recall the list was rather extensive and embarrassing. I think it's got way more to do with the cheerleader image and the willingness of adults to play along with that. Parents as well as teachers. Once again, Thank God, it wasn't in Texas. I am sure somewhere cheerleaders here are planning some sort of pep rally to push us back into the Most Notorious category in this regard.
