Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Berkeley Bumper Stickers

Zombietime, whom I've linked to before (type Zombie into the search box at the top of this page), does great work with photoessays. Go see the bumper stickers he found in Berkeley--and the types of vehicles on which he found them. You'll want to "Enter the Concourse."


  1. Anonymous2:46 PM


    The Blazer really knocked me out.:)

  2. Anonymous3:37 PM

    It doesn't surprise me at all. One of the biggest and most obnoxious liberals I know drives the biggest Hummer on the parking lot. I guess their oil consumption doesn't count.

  3. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Hummers disgust me.

    Honestly, the only person who would need a car that big is someone who has some major compensation issues.

  4. Eric, it has nothing to do with "need". Look at the houses in the vicinity of our school--does anyone "need" a house as big as those are? Of course not. "Need" isn't the point. "Want" is the point. If someone wants a Hummer, I don't see why they shouldn't have one, assuming they acquire one through legal means :-)

  5. Anonymous9:00 PM

    I'm not saying Hummers should be outlawed. I just don't see why anyone would want one.

    Again, compensation seems to be the key.

  6. Somehow, I doubt the governor needs to compensate for *anything*.

    Why would people want one? For the same reason my pilot friend wants to fly 747's--because they're the biggest things out there! That's not compensation, that's a goal! And Hummers are *very* comfortable inside. And you get a good view of everything around you. And you're relatively safe inside them.

    About the only negatives I can come up with are fuel economy and the difficulty of driving and parking in confined areas. If you can afford the fuel, there's only one negative--and it's easily solvable.

    Don't be so quick to assign quack psychology to people's desire for a big vehicle.

  7. Anonymous10:12 PM


    Does someone want a Hummer? =)

  8. I couldn't afford the fuel or insurance because I'm poor, so no, I don't. Just like I couldn't afford those houses near school, or even their property taxes.

    I just don't fault those who *do* have them and can afford them.

    I *would* fault them, however, if they said that *I* should save the planet whilst *they* lived in houses that killed many trees and drove a vehicle that gets 10 mpg.

  9. Anonymous11:51 AM

    All of the cars we drive regularly get pretty good gas mileage. We have a 2001 Honda Odyssey that gets 25mpg (pretty good for a minivan), a 2003 Honda Civic that gets 30mpg and a 2006 Civic Hybrid that gets around 50. We do have a Mustang from the early nineties that gets something in the teens, but we rarely drive it.

  10. Anonymous11:57 AM

    To some, the allure of the Hummer is the sense of omnipotence it engenders. And I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss Eric's diagnosis of compensation issues.

    But the fun really begins when Hummer owners put their treasures to the test.

    Here is but one amusing video clip.

    Others are easy to find.

    If anyone is foolish enough to want a Hummer and has the money to blow, I say "go for it."

    A fool and his money...

  11. Anonymous12:11 PM

    "I'm not saying Hummers should be outlawed. I just don't see why anyone would want one."

    To annoy liberals, of course. That's why I drive a V8 Explorer -- though Hummers get better gas mileage than my Explorer.

  12. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Very funny site. Hypocrites are easy to laugh at because laughter is the best medicine. Right? Just like when I shared earlier of a Christian teenager, about 14 or so, holding a sign at a rally against gay marriage, which said, “Don’t Brain Wash Our Youth.” No doubt, I had original thoughts at 14—but no doubt, I mimicked the influential adults in my life as well. Adults did not fair much better. One had a sign in rainbow colors, which said, “God Hates You.” I “Googled” the phrase under Google’s image site and, the sad part, the person failed in originality—ahh! I should camera a camera with me more often.

    Fanaticism, hypocrisy, and hate are plentiful for people of all political, religious, and moral orientations.

    Heck, rightwingprof’s stated motivation for driving a V8 Explorer is to annoy other people and not the automobile’s performance, aesthetics, or any other reason. Sad, but the stated reason nonetheless. People like to disgust sometimes—even if joking. I am certainly guilty.

  13. Anonymous7:56 PM

    My son, the car nut, is especially scathing in his assessment of the Escalade. Although shaped like an all terrain vehicle, the suspension is totally incapable of off road driving. Supposedly people buy these monsters as family cars with the illusion of safety. I wonder if they realize that while they may be safe, the raised bumpers will decapitate someone in a small car if they hit them broadside. I have long wondered why the simple law that all bumpers have to be the same height off the ground wasn't put in place to save lives.

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    "Heck, rightwingprof’s stated motivation for driving a V8 Explorer is to annoy other people and not the automobile’s performance, aesthetics, or any other reason. Sad, but the stated reason nonetheless."

    You really need to get your humor meter checked. Soon.

  15. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Okay. But why? The next line of mine in which you quote, and omitted, clearly indicates I saw your humor and thought it bad. Perhaps you saw such and still decided to make your statement, however, the glaring omission indicates otherwise, or at least an inept half-hearted effort. Still, my humor is usually worse though so do not take much offense—plus I am not your target audience so I do not know why you felt the need to respond or take offense, just say I am an oversensitive liberal or something and representative of what is wrong with the country. Still, in the spirit of your past comments, remember you are a man seeking context (not relativist contextualization mind you), and you just took me out of mine by omitting my last sentence. Come on now, your capable of putting down the simple muzzleloader and using one of your sharp shooting apt professorial guns. Right? See, bad joke. Very bad.

  16. Anonymous1:36 AM

    allen said...
    Wouldn't that make you awfully judgmental?

    You know, you ought to try to embrace the splendid diversity of human experience. You might learn something from people who differ from you and become a better, more open-minded person.

    Allen, you really, truly cannot be offended by judgmental-ism *and* enjoy this blog!

    Anonymous said...

    To some, the allure of the Hummer is the sense of omnipotence it engenders.

    And in others it's condescending that engenders a sense of omnipotence. Well, maybe omniscience.

    Allen, you really, truly cannot be offended by condescention *and* enjoy this blog!

    Perhaps you'd care to swap some videos of tornadoes hitting mobile home parks? Now that's funny.

    OK, now I'm concerned. You equate the misfortune of tornado victims to that of people who choose to buy an overpriced, overweight sled and damage it by voluntarily engaging in foolish behavior? Wow. I am so sorry you cannot discern the difference.

    a pseudo-intellectual and his presumptions are immediately repellent.

    Allen, you really, truly cannot be offended by pseudo-intellectualism *and* enjoy this blog!

  17. Anonymous10:34 AM

    "clearly indicates I saw your humor and thought it bad"

    And that underscores my point. Get your humor meter checked, if you think that's bad.

  18. Anonymous11:54 AM

    What underscores your point? My humor meter is not off. Contrarily, my humor meter is so finely tuned I turned my nose up at your attempt. (See, bad humor). Again, I am not your target audience so why should it matter to you? I am sure others find you hysterical. But, if you, say in a purely hypothetical scenario, do not think Lewis Black, Jon Stewart, or any other liberal comedian funny, does it mean your humor meter is in need of checking? Geez. Humor meters are in need of checking I guess as much as their comedic pride and prowess.
