Saturday, December 30, 2006

More Teachers Killed By Thai Islamofacists

A month ago I wrote about the killing of teachers in Thailand by Muslim so-called insurgents. It turns out that adherents to the world's most peaceful religion are at it again.

I'd say the press should choose sides in this war of civilizations, but I'm afraid it already has. I think the mainstream media actually are so anti-American and so we're-above-all-that elitist that they actually want the Muslims to win this war; wouldn't their multi-cultural credentials skyrocket if that happens! No, actually, the members of the press, along with the rest of us, would be rounded up with all the other infidels.

Idiots. Bias, or incompetence? You decide.


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Victory or defeat is up to the military, not the press.

  2. In this type of war, victory or defeat is up to society, not just the military. And the press holds more sway over society than does the military.

    I'm sure you know this to be true. So the question is, why would you say something so asinine?

  3. Anonymous10:51 AM

    It amazes me how ignorant (of history) most of the so-called educated elite are when it comes to Maxism or Islamic Fascism. Just who do they think will be among the first groups rounded up and shot? It won't be the "common" folks...

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    So I guess the progressive acquisition of superior knowledge is going to keep them at the level of their twelfth century counterparts. As I recall this need to kill those who might have more updated or proveable information kept the middle east fairly backward for the last few centuries. Keep killing teachers and they will end up back in the original muck from which they evolved. Face it, if every single piece of information is going to have to run the religious gauntlet of the local imam, then most current information and most educational situations will be rendered null and void. Take away all education and you have religious nuts with technical skill but little actual knowledge of the cause and effect of their little gambits. So much for the peaceful religion of Islam.
