Tuesday, December 26, 2006

By Grapthar's Hammer, What A Savings!

No, this has nothing to do with electronics. (If you don't get the joke, you obviously don't watch quality cinema!)

Today is a friend's birthday--which must certainly suck, if you think about it. So I took him to lunch at a Mongolian Barbecue place (his choice, but not that I minded at all), and in the same strip mall is a Play It Again Sports.

Play It Again Sports is a used sports equipment store, and we went in to see the cost of treadmills. My dad told me once that I wanted a treadmill back when I was in the army--under Bush 41--so I'm apparently rather good at procrastinating on this topic. But as soon as we went in I was drawn to the skis.

I found a pair of parabolic 178's (just my size) that were former rentals somewhere for $49.99. With boots and poles, the total came to just under $100. After I go skiing three times, I'll be money ahead on rentals.

Granted, I don't ski much. In fact, I didn't go at all last year--but part of the reason is the cost! Now, each trip will only cost me about $50 out of pocket (for the lift), "saving" me $35 for rentals. And without having to wait in line for rentals and returns, I'll be a happier camper in the process. This relatively inexpensive purchase (new skis alone run into the hundreds) gives me a reason to ski more, and that's not a bad thing.

It's nice to have two weeks off for a break, as well as the ski week we get off in February.


  1. Anonymous6:16 PM

    I don't even ski.

    Poor? Yeah, right...

  2. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Just don't pull an Arnold on me man!

  3. Anonymous9:16 AM

    I haven't even been skiing since Bush '41. But I still have my 200 Volkl Zebras. With the flourescent green bottoms. Parabolic was a word reserved for math people and telescope makers back then. I guess civil engineers came close with their catenary curves. $100 for the entire set is a real steal! Skiing is great fun, so I hope you can find plenty of chances to go!
