Thursday, November 30, 2006

Yet Another Case of Stifling Conservative Viewpoints on Campus

This time, in Boise, Idaho:

Senate Bill number 10, titled “Amendment to Article X ASBSU [Associated Students of Boise State University = the BSU Student Government] Senate Rules of Procedures,” was sent to the Internal Committee of Ways and Means. Sen. Cyndi Blue, Sen. Kayla Davis, Sen. Mark Getecha and Sen. Amy Ortmann sponsor it...

It states that “a senator of ASBSU may not work, intern, or be actively involved in organizations or student newspapers that create an atmosphere where students do not feel represented...”

For more context, see this Boise Weekly article. According to it, the bill's advocates seem to be particularly irate about student senator Jonathon Sawmiller, who heads the campus College Republicans chapter and writes for the Arbiter. He "first made waves in April, when he wrote an editorial ....

Why am I not surprised he's a Republican. Are there any universities left that value the free exchange of ideas?


  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    His comments lead to violence.

  2. Only by the people who want to stifle him.
