Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Yesterday's Election and Education

Joanne (see blogroll at left) has the rundown on the impact yesterday's election should have on education. I'm encouraged by her first paragraph:

House Democrats have promised to lower college costs, notes Education Week. Don't expect big changes on No Child Left Behind. Co-sponsor George Miller, who'll chair the education committee, helped write NCLB and has been a stand-up guy for standards and accountability. (boldface mine--Darren)


  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Now that we are leaving Iraq, there will be pleanty of money for NCLB.

    Woo Hoo!

  2. Like it or not, this election was simply change for the sake of change. The Dems never clearly stated their plans other than to somehow get out of Iraq. They have made some pretty large promises and I predict that if they don't deliver on them quickly, the mood will swing viciously against them. So if I were Pelosi, I don't think I would be taking things easy and making new enemies just yet. As it is Lieberman was reelected despite a bitter snub by his own party over Iraq. That he won is indicative of how divided voter attention can be. I personally wouldn't mind a true independent party led by Lieberman. He's a heck of lot more honest than many I could name.

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    You think Lieberman is honest? Wow, no wonder you numskulls lost power.


  4. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Anonymous - I seriously doubt much will be done about the situation in Iraq. It doesn't matter how much control the Democrats have over Congress, because Bush is still the head of the army - all military and foreign policy decisions go through him. The best they could do is cut funding for the war, which the Democrats said they won't to as to not leave the troops equipped with equipment even worse than that of the last congress.

  5. Anonymous12:15 AM

    Another anonymous says:
    If the dems cut funding for the war, it will be akin to cutting their own throats. The American people will turn very quickly on them when they finally perceive (correctly) that they do no support our troops. Just ask John Kerry.

  6. Anonymous2:56 PM

    The afternoon anonymous K says:

    The Dems will end funding for the war. That won't be cutting their own throats because it will be sucessfully sold as a sad but necessary end to an incredibly foolish adventure. Whether that is true or not is opinion. But opinion counts at the polls.

    Remember the Dems refused all aid to South Vietnam in 1975 and it collapsed. They did not suffer at the polls.

    The more subtle and effective tactic will be to cut funds for intelligence services and all foreign aid to Iraq and Afghanistan. Neither of those governments can stand alone. And since the intelligence expenditures are massive but not public or well understood it will be easy to reduce them.

    Britain is our only substantial ally in Iraq. And Tony Blair is leaving office. With him will go any cooperation from Europe. NATO has several thousand troops helping Afghanistan. How long will that last now?

  7. Anonymous11:51 PM

    A soldier indeed, John Kerry is a traitor who threw (someone else's) medals to show his disgust for the military. Now recently out of his mouth came what was truly stored up in his heart, more disdain for the American troops serving in Iraq. Some war hero, he is a disgrace to America, and an unelectable hypocrite.

  8. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Not to worry, if you democrats don't cut your own throats Al-Qaeda will be more than happy to do the job.

  9. RightCoastRight:

    Or go to the search engine at the top of my site's page and type in CTEN. That's what I've done to have my voice heard. It's not a "conservative" organization, but we exist to provide balance in a teaching environment dominated by the union.
