Saturday, November 25, 2006

Thai Teachers Killed By Muslim "Insurgents"

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) -- Hundreds of schools in Thailand's restive south will shut their doors in response to increasingly vicious attacks by suspected Muslim insurgents against teachers and schools, an official said Saturday...

In one of the killings, attackers shot a school principal Friday, and then set his body on fire. The principal became the 59th teacher or school official killed in three years of violence, said Bunsom Thongsriprai, president of the Teachers' Association in Pattani...

Teachers have always been occasional targets, seen by insurgents as representatives of the government and easy targets. But recently, teachers and schools have been attacked on an almost daily basis...

Thailand's new military-installed government has pledged to make peace in the south a priority, and reverse the hardline policies of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted in a Sept. 19 coup.

Defense Minister Boonrawd Somtat said Friday that insurgents had stepped up violence to keep residents from accepting new peace overtures from the authorities.


More than 1,800 people have died from violence in Thailand's three southernmost, Muslim-majority provinces -- Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat -- since an Islamic insurgency flared in January 2004.

I think the Thai government should talk to these murderers--I mean, insurgents. Learn about their feeeeeeeelings. Get to the "root causes" of their anger. Try to understand them, perhaps even walk a mile in their shoes. You know, a group hug might be all that's called for here.

Via, with a hat tip to Little Green Footballs.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:58 AM

    If they all just passed the bong around and sang kumbayah for world peace and social justice, the cycle of violence would stop.


    Now, where's that bong ...
