Monday, November 13, 2006

One Hope, One Fear, About Democrats

First, the hope.

The Democrats have never been known as a party of fiscal restraint. It speaks volumes about how far the Republican Party strayed from what used to be mantra that the Democrats can talk about fiscal responsibility and not be laughed off the dais.

I'll grant, when compared to out-of-control entitlement spending, porkbarrel spending isn't a big deal at all. Still, if Nancy Pelosi is serious about this, then my hat's off to her.

Now the fear.

Pelosi has said that Iraq isn't a war to be won but a problem to be solved, or some such silliness. Cut and run didn't work in Vietnam--just ask those boat people, several of whom I used to work with, or any of the people who were "re-educated" in "camps"--and it won't work in Iraq. I fear the Democrats lack the ability not to repeat the history they keep bringing up. I fear they'll act rashly, as they've accused the President of acting.


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    I love how you get your "news" from other rightie blogs.

  2. Only lefties think Instapundit is "rightie".

    And perhaps you could try contributing something of value, rather than just whining about what I choose to post on my own blog. I'm just saying.

  3. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I wonder if even the Dems themselves are aware of how great of an opportunity they have to seal themselves into governing power for many years to come, if only they pursue sensible policy (like the earmarking thing) and repudiating nonsense policy. The GOP had this chance and wasted it.

    Anonymous: If you'd bothered to actually check the link out Darren posted, it goes to USA Today.

  4. Anonymous11:55 AM

    I'm not trying to be Susie Sunshine or anything, but here's something to mull over. The Dems are eventually going to wake up and realize that now they've won the election, liberal talking points and screaming about Bush aren't going to suffice because now they have to govern, and be responsible for the security of the nation. Sure, hundreds of thousands of people were murdered because they pulled all aid and support from Vietnam, but maybe they realize that was a bad move.

    Maybe. Probably not, but maybe. After all, they pulled that joke McGovern in to talk to them about Iraq.

    Anyway, it's something to consider.

  5. Oh yes after two years of the Democrats running congress, voters will be falling all over themselves running to the polls in 2008.
    I don't care who the Republicans have to offer.
    Any name on the ballot will get votes just to keep Hillary away from the White House.

    Then again I thought Bush 41 had a lock on a second term back in '92.

  6. Anonymous9:06 PM

    So, how are we going to end the war in Iraq? Are we going to kill every single terrorist? That'll solve all our problems! Next on the list: insects!

    Make sure you have a solution before you jump into a problem.

  7. Good advice for the Democrats, Cameron, especially in light of this story:

  8. Anonymous2:27 PM

    The other anonymous says:
    I prefer Bill Clinton's style of governing, sit back and ignore the problem until it gets so large no one can eradicate it. That works best of all, right Cameron?

  9. Anonymous8:28 AM

    The Democrats didn't start the problem, though. They're simply faced with the problems caused by the current administration. They do have a lot of ideas, too, as the article suggests. The idea from the article that we don't have a plan comes from surveyed Americans, not Congressmen. What does it matter that average Americans are confused about the war? They didn't run for election. They're confused because there haven't been any attempts at a solution, while the government was Republican-controlled.

    Now we at least have a chance to do something.

  10. The Democrats voted for this war, approved the Patriot Act, and sat in on the same committee meetings and intelligence briefings that the Republicans did.

    I assert that the Democrats have no plan, and probably not much will change. Guess we have two years to find out.

  11. Anonymous10:40 PM

    What does it matter that average Americans are confused about the war? They didn't run for election. They're confused because there haven't been any attempts at a solution, while the government was Republican-controlled.

    In other words:
    All you stupid, ill informed Americans just sit back and let us big important government folks take care of you. (liberal elite)
