Saturday, November 11, 2006

New Zealand To Students: UR 2 DUM 2 NO Standard English

I can't even comment on the stupidity of this. Go read it yourself.


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    That's just stupid. I type in standard English all the time, even in IMs and text messages. I think they can manage it for an exam.

  2. I think you meant "nutz".

  3. Anonymous1:51 PM

    <3 Australia

  4. Sometimes my students do this - mostly on homework where it seems like they are trying to finish it at the last minute - and reading it makes my head hurt.

    It is a "language" with which I am unfamiliar and so it requires extra decoding steps on my part (it reminds me of that old William Steig book, "CDB"). I don't see why the grader should have to go through the frustration of having to decode a simplified and unstandard form of English just to make it easy on students.

    I shudder to think that maybe 30 years hence, textspeak WILL be standard English...

  5. Anonymous9:44 PM

    I dnt no hw 2 reed txt spk bt I tnk lmmntng al unssary vowls hlps nd gves me a hdacke. MR miller ds th rle aply 2 u 2? cuz tat wud be cool.

  6. Carson: finish your homework, and go to bed! You need all the beauty sleep you can get =)
