Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Is This Your Favorite Education Blog?

If so, let Jay Mathews of the Washington Post know!


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Consider yourself nominated my friend...

  2. Thanks!

    That's one....

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Make it 2-I put you as #1, best, and gave your blogfather, educationwonk, my number 2 spot, very good. Hope you get a mention. I read you everyday. I don't agree with everything you say, but you and I are pretty close in opinions.

  4. And I thank you!

    If you agreed with *everything* I said, I'd suggest you weren't thinking for yourself. If you don't agree with *anything* I say, I'd suggest you're not thinking :-)

  5. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I don't agree with anything you say (except for Westover's hipocrisy over Q & R :-) but I don't think you can say I'm not thinking. I feel like I examine most issues rationally and make my decisions based on evidence and reason. Anyway, you definitely have the best education blog. I haven't read too many others, but I have read a few, and this one's the most interesting. Good job.

  6. Come now, Tyler. Didn't we agree on so-called affirmative action?

  7. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Not 100%. Basically I had a moderate opinion on the issue rather than my typically far-left views. It's one of the only hot-button issues I'm so moderate on. You didn't seem to be moderate at all, but rather quite conservative. Therefore we disagreed. The fact that we are disagreeing about agreement proves that we will never agree on anything (except Westover's hipocrisy on Q & . :-)
