Saturday, November 18, 2006

How I'll Spend My Thanksgiving Break

1. Grading quizzes and tests. Even though my students won't be doing any math over the break, I'll be grading their papers so that they can know the results of their work as soon as school starts up again. Then I have to record those grades.

2. Planning lessons. I have a student who will be on a family trip the week after vacation. As a result, I must do all the planning in detail this weekend so I can email him his specific assignments before he leaves.

3. College letters of recommendation for former students applying to college.

4. New seating charts. I change student seating every 6 weeks, and the students look mostly look forward to it. It's that time again.

No, I won't be doing any work during my break. You know, we teachers get all that time off....


  1. Anonymous11:23 AM

    So that's why teachers give us homework over the break. Misery loves company, eh?

  2. Eric, at least acknowledge that I didn't give you any assignment over the break.

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Actually I have minimal homework. Which is strange someone in honors and AP classes—but hey, I'm not complaining. I don't even have an essay to write for honors english III...

    and thank you Mr. Miller, for not giving as an assignment over break.

  4. That's all I wanted--a little acknowledgement :-)

  5. I will trade you. I have to write my AP syllabus for acceptance at the College Boards. Fun fun I think I have the flu. This should get really interesting at some point.

  6. I am *not* a union member. As California is a "fair share" state, however, I *am* required to pay money to the teachers union.

    I've never believed in "unacknowledged expectation of uncompensated, job-related activity". It may exist, but it's wrong. People should be paid for the work they do--and if it can't reasonably be completed during the required work day, that should be the responsibility of the employer, not the employee. That goes for public sector *and* private sector organizations.

    That's not a "union mentality", that's a "fairness mentality".

  7. Hmmm. I don't see the part where you get to do all the cooking, too!

  8. That's one thing I will *not* be doing!

  9. Actually, George, it's you who is the better man in this case. I have very little in the way of family obligations this week.

  10. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Well I'm grading tests and updating my grade book so progress reports can go out Monday. My best friend and I finally left the building last night at 5:30 after we had planned for next week, ran our copies, and all that fun stuff. If I'm lucky I may have time to paint the bathroom.
