Friday, September 29, 2006

Video Proves Bill Clinton Tried To Kill Santa Claus

Now this is funny!


  1. Anonymous10:42 PM

    That's Fox for ya.

  2. Lefties hate it when Fox shows the truth.

  3. Anonymous9:46 AM


    Like most libs, you miss the obvious. That video was from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. If you couldn't figure it out, it was only at the top of the screen.

    The guys on Special Report with Brit Hume always take something from the Tonight Show or the Late Show and use it for a laugh. This is way too good to not show. Hell, even Mara Liasson looked like she was going to fall over laughing.

  4. Anonymous12:14 PM

    It's you that couldn't realize the obvious, actually. I mean, it's so typical of "Fox," a news organization, to show such a clip. You don't see CNN or NBC brodcasting things like that do you? It's just another example of the continuing conservative bias on television. I guess they truly have ran out of issues

  5. Cry me a river, anonymous.

  6. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I wasn't talking to you, Darren.

  7. Anonymous8:00 PM

    No Anon, you were talking to me.

    In case you’re missing the obvious again, this was produced by the Tonight Show, i.e. Jay Leno who is a big liberal.

    You can take a look at this…
    This is the review Joe Scarborough of all the late night comedians who had a field day with this.

    Once more, at the end of Special Report, Britt Hume always has something from the late night comedy shows to lighten up the evening. A few months ago remember there was a skit (I believe from the Late Show) on the White House Easter Egg roll and Cheney came out and shot the Bunny dead. Funny as hell. On occasion, he will have something serious, such as the Veterans Day ceremony at Arlington when the President places flowers at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

    Anon, stop taking yourself so serious. Otherwise people will laugh at you even more than they do already.
