Sunday, September 24, 2006

School Dances Canceled

I like the way this principal handled the situation:

A furor over what Concord High School administrators call an "overtly sexual" style of dancing at school dances has split the school community: There are those who defend the students'right to dance however they want and those who believe the moves are just plain inappropriate...

Asked by parents to describe the dance, Connolly offered this: The girl leans forward and the boy puts his pelvis against her backside. Then, he thrusts.

"It's feigning a sex act," Connolly said.

The students will always claim that they should be allowed to dance however they want to, and the schools will always claim that they're holding the students to a reasonable level of decorum. When both sides can't agree, just cancel the dances. That way neither side has to deal with the issue at all.

This statement, though, takes the cake:

"We were raised to dance like that," senior Kayla Bisson said.

Uh huh. You know what I think? I think that if you wouldn't dance with your dad like that, Kayla Bisson, then you know there's something sexual about what you're doing. And school isn't the place to be doing something sexual.

Here's a common sense comment from a parent:

"Eventually, things may change and this may be considered mild," said parent Cheryl Hunter. "But right now, it's inappropriate."

True enough.


  1. What do you expect from the "music" lyrics they listen to and the crap they see on MTV and other hip hop visual showcases?

    I agree with the school in not allowing dances to continue if such "dances" are being "performed" by their students.

  2. I don't think it's the lyrics as much as it is the lack of any "music" other than just a beat. Not much you can do *but* grind when there's nothing but a beat.

  3. Anonymous5:35 AM

    The obvious solution to this problem is to hire a swing band, and have a 40s theme dance. The kids would have a hell of time learning to jitterbug after the initial complaints. Seriously.

  4. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Oh no, it's the lyrics, too. I don't listen to rap but can think of two popular songs right now: "It's getting hot in here, why don't you take off all your clothes" and "....slob on my knob".

  5. While the lyrics are foul, I don't think they necessarily "compel" grinding, as the beat does.

  6. Dances, Proms, and homecoming queens are just anachronism that should just do away. Do high schools in Japan, Singapore, or Korean have high school dances or proms? No wonder schools graduate so few kids who can read at the 12th grade level if they put more time and effort into social activities and sports.

  7. Anonymous9:05 PM


  8. Yeah, Scott, like someone would want to go to a dance with you anyway :-)

  9. Anonymous3:45 PM

    hey...i had 2 dates last year to the 2 dances i went to.........


    dont know if its gana be the same this year

  10. Sure, Scott, suuuuuuure.... =)

  11. Let's not go to extremes, Ignatius. At one time Elvis' shaking of the hips was considered too suggestive to be shown on Ed Sullivan, and on the same show the Rolling Stones had to change the lyrics of one of their songs to "Let's Spend Some Time Together". Today, neither the hips nor the lyrics would merit a second glance.

    You went over the deep end with the abortion analogy.

  12. The Principal at Aliso Viejo also has a spine.

    Scott must have a sister and a cousin :-)
    Sorry Scott Darren got me started. LOL

  13. I liked that Aliso Viejo story so much I just emailed the principal and congratulated him on taking a tough stand.
