Sunday, September 03, 2006

How The Political Opposition Is *Supposed* To Act In a Time of War

If only this could happen today....


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    It's not a time of war, though.

  2. Anonymous5:08 PM

    FDR did not immerse his country in an illegal war. FDR responded to an assault on his nation's soil. Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, THEN FDR declared war. Bush invaded first—as a pre-emptive strike. He believed that Saddam had WMD's, which if I may be so bold to mention, have not "yet" been found. Bush is/was trying to police the world; FDR was helping to save it. At least in my opinion. I'm sure you have a totally different view on the whole thing.
    Not that I wouldn't love the sight of the Democratic party rallying behind Bush...but this is a different circumstance from WWII.

    Note: I'm talking about Iraq, not Afganistan.

  3. 1st Anonymous comment: you're an idiot.
    2nd Anonymous comment: Read the Authorization for Use of Military Force. It specifically refers to Saddam's violations of UN resolutions (like 1441). Additionally, Saddam's actions were in direct violation of the Cease Fire of 1991, the consequences of such violation being the direct reimposition of hostilities.

    In other words, completely legal under any law of war except the anti-Bush league's.

  4. Anonymous9:02 AM

    We are at war. It is America's War, not Bush's war. You support your nation in time of war. Period.

  5. Anonymous11:43 AM

    How is it America's war? Over 60% are against it.

  6. Assuming you made the first comment, it's not because we differ on politics.
