Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dreams vs. Reality Regarding the EU

I had to lift this entirely from (see blogroll at left):

The EU: Hopes vs. Reality

In the spirit of offending nearly everyone, and further to our Labor Day post below, where we made some comparisons to the EU, we were reminded of a speech we attended many years ago by a conservative Member of the British Parliament. He said there what we've oft repeated, i.e., that the hopes for the EU were for German efficiency, British manners and French food.

Unfortunately, they ended up with French efficiency, German manners -- and British food.

1 comment:

  1. I spent 12 years stationed in Europe with the USAF and loved it, but I saw this once in a bar in greece.

    Heaven is ...

    Where the police are British,
    The cooks are Italian,
    The mechanics are German,
    The lovers are French and
    It's all organized by the Swiss.

    Hell is ...

    Where the police are German,
    The cooks are British,
    The Mechanics are French,
    The lovers are Swiss and
    It's all organized by the Italians.

    And its all so true.
