Thursday, September 21, 2006

And This Guy Wanted To Be A Congressman

Via Edwonks (see blogroll at left) comes this story:

Steve White, the District 4 Democratic candidate for House of Representatives, withdrew from that race with a letter to Alabama Democratic Party Chairman Joe Turnham.

White wrote: "After careful consideration of the many factors involved, I have determined that it is in the best interest of my family and the Democratic Party to withdraw my candidacy as the Democratic nominee for the State House of Representative District 4. I am proud to be a Democrat and will always be a loyal and faithful supporter."

White's decision came after Monday's release of an arbitrator's ruling that upheld the Limestone County Board of Education's decision to fire him for showing inappropriate Internet material, some that had sexual content, to his eighth-grade students at West Limestone High School.

Heck, even I haven't done that.


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Yeah, because that mistake definately means he wouldn't be a good congressman.

  2. It shows poor judgement.

  3. Poor judgement, lack of ethics, poor moral fiber....yes, unqualified to be a congressman.

  4. Anonymous4:26 PM


  5. That shows a complete lack of judgement and he should not be a congressman representing the people on that note ... that is unless he is representing only the democratic party because that could imply that all democrats have serious bad judgement !!! haha

  6. Anonymous10:38 AM

    You had naked pictures on your blog once.

  7. I don't recall that. I recall having a *link* to the Breasts Not Bombs Rally pictures. Closest I can think of was the picture, from an anti-American/Israeli rally in Sacramento a couple weeks ago, of a sign showing a cartoonish painting of two people "making love, not war".

    And I'm not running for Congress. And I'm not showing these to children in my class.

    If you cannot see the difference, you're a fool.

  8. Anonymous11:17 PM

    But by advratising your blog in class, i could make as if im offended and see if i could sue you for all your worth. Unfortunatly it would not be worth it cause im not into Kia's, you could give me the hottub though my backs killing me..
