Saturday, August 26, 2006

Stupid People, or Stupid School Rule?

Joanne Jacobs (see blogroll at left) points out that some Boston schools are now banning--not liquids or gels, like the TSA is now doing, but hooded sweatshirts.

I'm not kidding.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    See my comment on Joanne's article.

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Makes sense to me . . .

    If sweatshirts have hoods, only hoods will have sweatshirts.

    Easy way to clean up the undesirables.


  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    An issue we have encountered at my school about the hooded sweatshirts doesn't really have anything to do with the hood but, rather, the oversized pocket on the front. Kids have memorized the keys on their cell phones and are texting each other during classtime--in one instance it was test ques./answers. While I am on the topic of cell phones I'd like to rant a moment. Kids come to school with hi-tech phones with cameras and internet access and other bells and whistles. Their parents call them during classtime believe it or not. The government forces schools to allow kids to have cell phones on their person (thanks to Columbine). That being the case, there are phones available that only allow people to dial 911 and 3-4 other programmed numbers (parents, grandparents, etc). This I can support. The other....just a bunch of overindulgent parents raising spoiled brat children. I got a cell phone after I had children in case the car broke down or some other emergency arose, but I don't have texting capabilities or any other non-essential extras. I never use my allotted minutes because I live in the moment--if I am lunching with someone or at the movies I give my full attention to who I am with and not someone on the other end of the phone. Major pet peeves...
