Saturday, August 05, 2006

Not Quite The Sub We're Looking For


Eric Norman Olsen, 28, of Ontario, told detectives that he molested between 100 and 200 elementary school students since becoming a (substitute) teacher three years ago, said police Detective Diane Galindo. He was scheduled to be arraigned August 8.

He's already admitted it. I say just fry him. For those of you who don't believe in the death penalty--do you really think there's any help for this man?


  1. While the logical part of me wants to say everyone needs a chance, get him psychiatric help, etc. most of me just wants to say "castrate him... with no anesthesia"

  2. Only choice on the table is Traditional or Extra Crispy...

  3. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Forgive my right-wing cynicism, but why should anyone care about helping him?

    Fry him. Now.

  4. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Naah, I want him to go to jail for a long time…those homeboys behind the bars will take care of everything for us. After a few days, Eric is going to be wishing he had died or was on death row.

  5. MikeAT, I hope you're referring to beatings and not rape. I'm not sure why I could understand and support the former but not the latter, but rape, either heterosexual and not homosexual, is not something we should wish against others. Neither should we put people into positions where rape is not only possible, but expected.

  6. Part of the reason that communities are enacting larger safety zones is to prevent known sex offenders from moving into areas near schools. The whammy side of that is that it could cause many registered sex offenders to avoid registration and "disappear" leaving them almost free to offend another day. We have had our own awakening here, where a little four year old died in a daycare center. The owner supposedly had no record, but when it was checked against aliases, she had a rap sheet a mile long. Now granted, none of the offenses were sex related, but if someone with a sheet that long with theft, weapons and other major crimes on the list, then it's not rocket science to think someone who should be registered can assume another name and simply move througout the community. Scary.
