Monday, August 14, 2006

Math In Politics

I was reading this interesting and slightly superficial article about Lieberman's chances of winning in November. To be succinct, the author claims that history is not on Lieberman's side but math is. Blah, we've all heard plenty that Lieberman the Independent stands a chance of winning in November; I wanted to read about the math, which was nothing more than a few statistics.

But I like the way the article ended:

Think of Connecticut's much-ballyhooed Senate race as a face-off between history and math.

Those who ignore the lessons of history may be doomed to repeat them, but analysts who can't add and subtract generally have much more serious problems.

Who can disagree with that last sentence? Let's hear it for arithmetic!


  1. DO we really need politics getting more muddled by including mathematics? (snicker snicker)

    Actually, it could be interesting to see if Lieberman can change some minds in CT. prior to the vote. I imagine he already has a large campaign warchest full of loot, I mean campaign contributions to use for this campaign.

  2. When his voting record is analyzed, Lieberman is among the most liberal in the senate. He's no moderate. He's no Republican, either.

    He has integrity, but that's about it.
