Monday, August 07, 2006

Better Teachers = Better Students

How do we get there, though? Well, read this fisking. Can't disagree with any of it.

Fuzzies always talk about how teaching is a calling--perhaps that explains why the pay is low compared to similarly educated folks. Or perhaps that's because there are plenty of people willing to accept the pay and the working conditions and relative security, kinda like those who work at Wal*Mart. Teaching isn't a calling for me--it's a job, one I enjoy and one at which I'm competent. In this country, I question whether teaching is a profession anymore; thank you, NEA. Anyway, here is a little something from the link above that discusses the "reverence" people have for teaching:

This one takes the cake. Better conditions and "career ladders" aren't going to make teaching revered. What would make teaching revered, like so many other things, is for people to do without it for a decade or so. Allow children to be kicked out of public school for misbehavior -- and by kicked out I mean tossed into the parents' lap and not allowed back in anywhere -- and you'll see how fast teachers get "revered." Allow a teacher to give an "F" without being overruled by the principal, who caves to parents at the first sign of trouble, and you'll see how fast teachers get "revered."

Career ladders ain't gonna cut it.

The essay the author is shredding? Not so good.


  1. I love teaching, so I do consider this a "calling", sort of, but not in the way people see it. The way I look at it, I consider myself an employee when is passionate about my job and deserves to be paid adaquately for that.

    And yes, that quote is dead.....freaking...on. If we ran schools like academic institutions and treated kids like scholars, not spoiled children, then the respect would naturally occur.

    Good post.

  2. "...scholars, not spoiled children..."

    I like it. I like it a lot.
