Thursday, July 27, 2006

I'm Home

No, not Sacramento. Colorado Springs. I love it here, it feels like home.

Yes, much has changed in the 16 years since I lived here. Heck, much has changed in the 5 years since I last visited here. Some things remain the same, some have changed. But it's still Colorado Springs.

Our hotel is just around the corner from the ANA museum, so we walked there after this morning's light rain (eat your heart out, Sacramentans!) to see the coins. After that we spent a couple hours at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo--if you want to see a top-notch zoo, this is it! Built up the side of a mountain, you get a good workout! And it's not supported by taxpayer money, either :-) Then we went to the Air Force Academy and picked up a former student of mine--who coincidentally has the same name as my son--and we drove by Garden of the Gods on our way to Seven Falls. Dinner at TGI Friday's, then an attempt to get to the top of Austin Bluffs, and that was the entire day. If the weather looks good in the morning, we're driving up Pikes Peak.

Here's hoping for good weather.


  1. I am absolutely loving your comments about Colorado - I spent many a happy summer at my grandmother's farm just east of Colorado Springs and have a lot of fond memories of that city. Things have changed so very much! However, Colorado is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Good thing my cousin in Denver is a photography nut and sends me breathtaking pictures all the time!

  2. I hope you're enjoying them as much as I enjoy knowing I have a reader I didn't previously know about :-)

  3. Let's just say that I jumped up and down for joy when I found your blog and was screaming to my hubby, "Honey, look! Another conservative teacher!!!"

  4. Yay!

    And if you scroll up you'll see the few pictures I posted--it *is* a beautiful place, isn't it?
