Sunday, July 30, 2006

Cripple Creek

I love that town. So much has changed since the state allowed "limited gambling" in 4 former gold mining towns, including this one. The shape of the town is pretty much the same, with the exception of some new houses and other buildings on the outskirts. Victor, where gambling isn't allowed, hasn't changed much at all.

We took a tour of the Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine. They give tours in the summer and mine in the winter. We took the miners' elevator down 1,000 feet and had an informative, educational, fun tour. Everyone leaves with an ore sample from the mine. Yes, it looks like a rock, but it came from an ore cart 1,000 under the ground--I doubt they'd bring rocks down there since they have an entire mountain to empty out!

There's a new hiking trail near some of the old mines on Battle Mountain, and we walked that for awhile. Then I tried to get us back to Colorado Springs via the Gold Camp Road, but apparently made a wrong turn somewhere along the 16 mile dirt road. We ended up getting back to the city on the Old Stage Road, which was (I think) about 7 miles longer. At about 25 miles per hour, my son was not amused!

Tomorrow we head to Denver for awhile, and then I drop him off with his mother's relatives--and I start the long drive back to California. I'll be staying a night with a friend in Salt Lake City, and hope to make it home the following day.

Pictures will be posted as soon as I can :-)

1 comment:

  1. Somewhere in western Colorado they are excavating the largest remains of a dinosaur in the US. You may want to go by if you have a dinosaur fan. I wish I could be more specific, but I am sure you can google it.
