Friday, June 16, 2006

Web Site Devoted to the Deviant Minds of High Schools and College Students

A humorous Web site created seven years ago by two childhood friends during their freshman year in college is no joke. On the contrary, it has grown into a million-dollar small business., the Web site catering to the deviant minds of high schoolers, college kids and bored office workers alike with funny and sometimes lewd photographs, videos and columns, was launched in 1999 by childhood friends and then-college-freshmen Josh Abramson and Ricky Van Veen. The teens spent non-classroom hours updating the site, getting the word out about their venture and negotiating advertisement deals. Abramson settled into his role as business manager and Van Veen took the post as editor of the site’s content, which is mostly user-generated.

I haven't visited it yet, but if I find the time....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I had a student who had an idea for an online business: a site where businesses could buy accounts, then use the site to sell debt. He hooked his old Pentium from the closet up, bought a domain name for 25 bucks, and sold the business a year later for several million dollars. Here's the clincher: even as a 20 year-old millionaire, he stayed in school to finish his business degree.
