Sunday, June 04, 2006

Music and Drama Classes

Last school year, the Pledge of Allegiance was said exactly once in our school--on the first day. It created such a furor amongst the teachers that, to be in accordance with state ed code requiring a daily patriotic exercise, we have opted for a "patriotic quote" in our daily bulletin instead. One of our two music teachers told me face to face, "I will not allow the Pledge of Allegiance to be said in my classroom."

When we've given up on our own civilization, there's another one waiting in the wings to take over. And this one is apparently not so enamored of the performing arts.

The handbill, distributed after Friday prayers at the main PU mosque and allegedly representing PU students, effused determination to resist secularism and enlightened moderation in educational institutions and called for promoting Islamic ideology on campus. Handwritten posters also sprung up at different spots in the Punjab University saying, “Stop music, Stop drama in the university.”

The IJT and the Muttahida Talaba Mahaz (MTM), an alliance of eight student organisations, have announced a campaign against music and against the governor from today (Saturday), and a referendum on all campuses on the subjects.

By the way, Mecca is that way =====>. You'll need to know that when you start praying five times a day.

I had Muslim students in the days before September 11th, 2001. I taught junior high then, and I offered my classroom to those students during lunchtime if they wanted it for prayers. It's a lot harder to be so accomodating these days.


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    What, exactly, is these nutjobs' objection to the Pledge of Allegiance? Do they have that little shame about despising their own country?

  2. FYI- If I am not mistaken, here in Texas the pledge is required by law and kids MUST stand during the pledge which IS required by law, unless they have written permission on file by a parent or guardian.

  3. I coached many Muslim kids at Live Oak High School for three years and I found that when people are sensible, accomidations can easily be met. The students never even mentioned prayer, and never had a problem not doing it during the evenings. However, during Ramadan the baskeball program just pushed back practice two hours so the kids could eat after sun down and have a good practice.
    Amazing what common sense can do.
    BTW, we have patriotic quotes as well.

  4. RightWingProf, the excuse given was "under God".

    Mr. D, the Supremes said that kids don't have to stand during the saying of the pledge. It's reasonable to me for the state to allow the *parents* to make that decision, not the student.

    Coach Brown, a little common sense often goes a long way.

  5. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Coach Brown
    How far should accomodation go? If we accomodate too much we wind up living in an Islamic police state. Cultural sensitivity cuts both ways or should. Muslims should learn that all America does not have to cater to them and they live in a Western culure.

  6. State of Texas implemented a law that we have to say the Pledge and the Texas State Pledge every day. Embarassingly, as a native Texan I never knew it growing up. Half the faculty resorts to cheat sheets for at least a few weeks. I have had a few kids claim that they were abstaining, but once again, it's like when you go to a wedding or a funeral, you don't have to express belief in the religion, but you DO have to show respect. My rule is that they don't have to recite the Pledge, but they do have to show respect. If they can't do that, then I let them deal with my AP. He was a Marine.

  7. That law might conflict with the Supreme Court's Barnette decision of 1943. "If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein. If there are any circumstances which permit an exception, they do not now occur to us." The case involved the pledge *during WWII*.

    Students don't have to participate, but they can't disrupt, either. Just sit there quietly.

    I like having the PARENTS make the decision whether or not the child must participate, though.
