Thursday, June 08, 2006

Liberals, Media Bias, and A Great Day To Be An American


I hope he saw it coming. I hope he knew he was going to die before he died.

It's great listening to the liberals today. "I don't know that we should celebrate anyone's death." "George Bush's poll numbers are still in the toilet." "This doesn't mean anything, the violence will still continue." I've even heard one say that this will be like the Hydra--cut off one head, others grow in its place.

You'd think that liberals, the ones who love their country and whose patriotism is not to be impugned, could accept one, just one, victory in this war, even a tactical victory such as this one. But no, we can't have that, can we?

The more liberal news outlets--those poor anchors. It's all they can do to spin this as bad news for America. I wonder why, then, we're seeing those Iraqi police officers dancing in the streets. Perhaps those closest to the situation, and to the murderous bloodshed that Zarqawi wrought on innocent Iraqis, are glad to see him dead for a reason. But what do they know? They're not sitting back in America, sipping mimosas, hating George Bush every minute of every day.

Every day is a great day to be an American. We Americans, and Iraqis too, have one more thing to be thankful for today.

Update: Think I was kidding about the liberals? Here's a roundup from liberal blogs.

Update #2: Want more? Zarqawi, Spinning In His Grave


  1. *sigh*
    You know that there will be some sort of caveat to this. Probably there's some woman or child that were near or in the building that were also killed. And although the people in the building most likely knew who the terrorist was and what his goals and activities were, but chose not to let anyone know. There is such a thing as harboring criminals. And when you do so, you open yourself to a whole world of bad consequences. It's the old "lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas" principle. But that won't stop the Cindy Sheehans and Rick Bergs of the world. All they see is the evil that they want to see, not the evil that exists and is caused by those people they have supported just because they have similar political roots.

  2. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Oh yippee; we killed a punk thug who was a nobody until the US came along and made him a rock star. Bin-laden had no use for this two-bit loser. He was strictly low-caste. Anyway, let's spin to the right: We won the war! Let's pack up and go home. The insurgency is no more. No more car-bombings today, right? I mean Zarqawi's dead and that's that.

  3. Thank you, anonymous, for showing that libs can't accept *any* victory, even a tactical victory, for the US. In fact, you seem to actually *hope* for more car-bombings, just to show us war supporters who's who and what's what.

    You've shown your true colors, and they're not red, white, and blue--they're just red, and maybe yellow.

  4. How right could I have been in my second paragraph: "You'd think that liberals, the ones who love their country and whose patriotism is not to be impugned, could accept one, just one, victory in this war, even a tactical victory such as this one. But no, we can't have that, can we?"
