Monday, June 05, 2006

End Of The Year Grade-Raising

It's that time of year again. "Can you give me (insert higher grade here)?" I hear war stories about this all the time, but fortunately I don't feel pressured to deal with that question. Maybe I'm asked that question as much as other teachers and I just say "no" and that's the end or it, or maybe I have trained my students not even to try. Whatever, it's not a problem for me.

And for this I'm thankful.

Want to read about people for whom it is a problem? Go read this post at Buckhorn Road (see blogroll at left).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Because we have MBAs teaching for us, our class is a strict point system. Instructors have absolutely no discretion and cannot assign any extra credit other than is offered to everyone, regardless of who their teacher is. We submit out gradebooks, and the coordinator assigns letter grades based on a strict 90-80-70-60 scale -- and I do mean strict, as in no, if you get 89.4%, you get a B+ not an A- -- then returns our gradebooks with letter grades so we can report them.

    All assignments are graded by program. There is therefore no discretion when it comes to grading.
