Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Do NOT Read Student Comments About Each Aloud To The Class

Teacher Reads Mean Paper on Students Aloud

By Associated Press

TRENTON, Ohio - A teacher in southwest Ohio has been fired for reading students' nasty comments about classmates out loud.

Granted, he was reading about what students thought their classmates might be doing 20 years from now. But when the comments are nasty and/or hurtful, display some judgement.

I'm not convinced such an offense merits losing his job, though. Does every teacher mistake require firing? Sex with students, yes. One bad call (in 15 years of teaching), no.


  1. If you will go to the board, there's a story about an art teacher that posted her bare breasted photo online. And now rather than using common sense and saying that maybe this wasn't the best idea in the world, people are attacking it as if it's a free speech case. True, she does have the right to do it, but I think the school has a right not to employ teachers that are so stupid. Like we haven't been in the new enough. I think the water in Austin has something in it....first teachers messing around with students, then this prize in the Austin ISD. In comparison, this guy should be getting a prize!

  2. The guy will get another job before the summer ends.

    It's not like people are lining up outside of schools for work!

    (shame as it is)
