Saturday, June 17, 2006

The American Left

Other potential license plate statements can be seen over at Right Wing Nation.


  1. Anonymous3:13 PM


    Saved me 18 years of child support!


  2. Wow. I have always wondered why it's okay to abort a child that is developed enough to have REM and reflexes, and who has yet to harm anyone, yet the same people lobby to avoid the death penalty for scum that have tortured and killed innocent people. To my mind, you have one chance to do things right. If you screw up, you pay the price. I am not one of those who would limit birth control or morning after pills, but we've already found that the so-called "abortion pill" isn't as easily tolerated as claimed, and I don't think that some people, especially those who are ego driven, can understand that pregnancy isn't just a medical inconvenience to be dealt with, but that the hormonal and psychological after effects can be profound. I don't want a rape victim forced to bear her attacker's child, but then again, if she gets the help immediately and files a report, she can get the medical attention that will prevent that situation.

  3. Anonymous8:36 PM

    It is easy to understand.

    18 years of child support really sucks.

    Thank goodness for abortion.

  4. I am assuming that anonymous is male. If concern about producing a child is such a big issue, why doesn't he do the proactive thing and get a vasectomy? I mean, why does it always come down to the woman having to take precautions? In a modern society, you would think both parties would take some sort of measures for personal safety if nothing else. Pretty flippant remark.

  5. Anonymous11:48 AM

    well ellen...i have talked to doctors about abortion. i dont know where u get ur resources from, but someone can only REM if they have a subconscious mind. during the time someone can have an abortion, is well before the brain is advanced enought (if at all) to experience REM. so the fetus does not really experience REM. and again, the reflexes are chemical induced, not brain induced. meaning, a chemical reaction is the cause of reflex, not the fetus wanting to have a reflex. because the fetus' brain is not advanced enough (if it's even developed) to know or control anything. thus, nothing is being killed. the fetus does not feel pain, because there isnt a brain to feel the pain. the fetus does not die, becuase the heart is not developed enough to beat.

    i have no opinion about death penalties, because i will never have to worry about one (hopefully), but i fully support abortions as well as the right for minors to recieve an abportion without parental concent for the minors protection (since many people seem to think 80% of teenagers who get abortions, are safe from harm from their parents....but they're wrong. 80% of teenagers are physically and mentally harmed by their parents when notified about an abortion)

  6. Scott, this isn't debate class. You can't just make up statistics and posit them as facts.

    BTW, did you know that 57.2% of all statistics used in arguments are made up?

  7. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Yep, thats true and 98% of the people listening to them believe in them.

  8. He still didn't answer the question. Why does it always come down to the woman making the birth control possible. Why is it that women are expected to take precautions and men are not? Regardless of your sex, if you don't want a child, then take precautions. I am so tired of this idea that people are so burdened by their emotions that they think jumping into bed without a thought is a good idea. I really thought that was kind of a goal in AIDS prevention as well, but I could be wrong. In any regards, that attitude is pretty egocentric and immature. BTW, it's from a biology book. Human fetuses can have REM at five months. They also have developed brains at that point. Many babies have been delivered at that point as well. I am not saying it's a good idea, but then again, I don't think being irresponsible is the answer either. It's that sort of thing that has caused a generation of kid to grow up in single parent homes, often to their own detriment.
