Saturday, May 27, 2006

Indonesian Earthquake

Bush caused it? Remember that he caused the big tsunami over there, too.

What's conveniently being forgotten here is that Indonesia is the world's most populous Moslem country. Huge tsunami and huge earthquake within two years? Either Allah's pissed, or it's no coincidence.

I think we can pin the blame on the WZC (Worldwide Zionist Conspiracy).


  1. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Get out your wallet, cause you know who's going to pay for it -- and then, they'll go back to their Death to America rallies.

  2. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Rightwingprof is claiming that we shouldn't help victimns of natural disaster simply because they happen to be Muslim?

  3. No, he's saying that we're going to pay for it knowing full well that it won't change any hearts and minds.

  4. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Not to sound bitter, because I really do feel that if our country is in a position to help others than we should, but where was all the foreign aid and assistance from around the globe when we were going through our own natural disaster in Louisiana and Mississippi?

  5. Anonymous5:27 AM

    "Rightwingprof is claiming that we shouldn't help victimns of natural disaster simply because they happen to be Muslim?"

    I see you have reading comprehension problems.

    If they had any ethics, morals, or principles, then they wouldn't take a penny from us, since they hate us so much. Of course, they will take take take take take as they always do, and when they're done taking, they'll go back to burning American flags in the streets.
