Friday, May 26, 2006

How Can I Get A Gig Like This?

Let me see if I have the facts straight.

A basketball coach, near the end of one of his worst seasons at the university, is fired--after saying publicly that the school could buy out his contract.

The school bought out his contract:

The athletic department's fundraising arm is paying Richardson $500,000 a year through 2008 under terms of his buyout clause.

He sued, saying he was fired for racial reasons!

Richardson said after a hearing at the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that "they came after me" when he spoke out against racism at the Fayetteville school.

Fortunately, he lost the suit. Still, wtf???

Again, a recap.

1. Losing season.
2. Wanted to be bought out.
3. Got bought out--to the tune of a half a freakin' million dollars for what, six years? 2002-2008?
4. And he's complaining about this?

How do I get a gig like this?

1 comment:

  1. It's always puzzled me why coaches, like athletes, seem to get to work with a different contracted set of rules. For example, if I wanted to resign and retain my certification, I would have to do so 45 days prior to the start of the next school year. But I have seen coaches leave in fall only to turn up in a neighboring district with little or no comment or penalty. Why is that? I understand the need from high school on up to equate winning with performance, but if we are all supposed to be in the business of education, and if we are made to sign contracts, then why are some of us held to the letter and others are not? Furthermore, why is it that when athletes knowingly break the rules by accepting or even demanding payment or compensation for playing, the students retain eligibility and the schools pay the penalty, which like taxes, float down to the average kid just trying to make it through the next four years. Strange ethics isn't it?
