Saturday, May 06, 2006

Abuse of Foreign Exchange Students

It's sad that we've come to this:

The families who host the nearly 30,000 foreign exchange students who stay in this country each year now will have to undergo criminal background checks, under new federal rules that went into effect this week. (emphasis mine--Darren)

I understand the reasoning. I just don't like that such things are necessary.


  1. Thank you for the inside word.

  2. Anonymous3:52 PM

    My senior year in high school I met a foreign exchange student from Chile in one of my classes. She was a very sweet girl, with an elementary knowledge of English. She lived in Santiago and was much more sophisticated than myself and other students in my small town. The family she was placed with was extremely religous and of a different religion than she was. They lived about 15 miles outside of town in the country. It was not a good match at all. She was miserable and so were they. She ended up gaining about 25 pounds during the five months she lived with them. She spent several weekends overnight at my house to get out of their house. I think the companies should make every effort to match students with a compatible host family.

  3. Anonymous, one would think your suggestion would be a *given*.

  4. I never thought about all the potential problems with exchange students. Thanks for enlightening all of us!

  5. Anonymous11:48 PM

    Please visit and read Reports of Abuse to learn why this is such an important child safety measure.

  6. I have no doubt it's an important measure. Allow me to *re*state the last two lines of my post:

    I understand the reasoning. I just don't like that such things are necessary.

  7. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I am not even sure where to start, other than to state that YFU is a non-profit organization that does paid host families. The only thing I can think that perhaps you were told about the tax credit that you can recieve. I am very sorry you had a negative experience with hosting with YFU. Many host families have had a very good experience and host with YFU for years. It should be noted that YFU is a group of partner organizations around world, each operating individually.

    It also should be noted that many America Students go on exchange each year, some by scholarship (most are funding by corporations) and many pay the tuition for an amazing exchange experience.

    Again, I am sorry Kate had such a negative experience but I do believe this is an exception to the rule. YFU is no longer "merged" with other organizations.

    To the original comment, it is an unfortunate reality to have to submit to Criminal Background Checks (although it's not different than any other professional who works with teenagers.. i.e. teachers etc). And the unfortunate reality is that some of the issues that have arisen in the past years, would not have been diverted by a criminal background check.

    Personally, we need more exchanges, particularily outbound so that American's will have a better understanding of the world around us.

  8. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Clarification -- YFU does NOT pay it's host families.

  9. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Background checks should be done, but families shouldn't be excluded if they have some sort of record, it should be based on the Sevarity Of the crimes committed. If a person does have a record with non violent crimes and has been out of trouble for more than five years, then they should not be excluded, Does'nt mean because a person has a past, that they can not change and turn there life around, and some people should not make assumpations that if a person does have a past, that they shouldn't host.

  10. In Denmark we also have started an investigation into the exchange student industry.

    Our youth culture are very different than most countries. It is nothing to blame these countries, however a typical Dane would find it as a kind of prison experience to live abroad for a period without being able to use the tools typical Danes use for socializing.

    That's why I saw that the webpage Exchange Student Information was established a year ago. It is not run by any organization founded to earn money on the students, so they are able to provide independent information for our youth.

    Maybe there should be similar pages for students coming from other countries.
