Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another Moonbat Teacher

Only this one is running for Congress!


  1. Anonymous12:59 PM


    Please stop using condescending terms such as “moonbat” on this blog.

    I know you don’t like being called the lovely little terms of endearment we have for Bush supporters on the left.

    My point is that it’s hard to understand your line of thinking, when you opening sentence contains a slur.

  2. “I know of one instance where my son was told he couldn’t leave the room without saying, ‘John Kerry rocks,’” she said. “I think my son is entitled to his opinion, just like (his teacher) is. I don’t think any issue should be forced on my son.”


    Is that even legal? Actually, no, who cares, that's hilarious.

  3. Anonymous, I don't think it's so hard to understand my thinking. I also don't think it's so hard to admit that the guy's a moonbat.

    Would you be thrilled if I had my students say "George Bush is God" before they could leave the class?

  4. Whether or not Darren meant it as a stab at the teacher's political affiliation, it is without question strange to require eighth grade students to say "John Kerry rocks".

  5. Nick, if you *ever* again, at any time in your life, refer to me as Darren....

