Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Saddams Weapons, Redux

Lefties won't believe the Duelfer Report. They probably won't believe an Iraqi general, either.

Now I have no way of knowing whether this man is telling the truth or not. But I find it interesting that I only find out about his comments from Instapundit, not from network news or

Jon Stewart interviews the guy and he says there were weapons of mass destruction? I wonder how Jon took that. Like the post says, Jon isn't known as a mouthpiece for the Bush Administration.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not ready to believe this general just yet, even though (and partly because) he's saying what many have surmised all along. I would like more evidence.

    But it won't matter to the left. They'll just claim that there wasn't *that many* such weapons, certainly not enough to harm the US. Or they'll argue that Iraq was a sovereign country--who are we to say they can't develop whatever weapons they want? Or something else.

    The left is nothing if not predictable.
