Friday, March 17, 2006

Losing One House of Congress Might Be A Good Thing

A little divided government goes a long way, and I've recently posited that the current Republican-controlled Congress is spending money like a drunken sailor in an Asian port. Someone needs to slap the Republicans in Congress a little bit and remind them that we used to be the party of small government. If it takes the Democrats' winning one of the two houses of Congress to jolt the Republicans into realizing that something is terribly wrong, then so be it.

But not both houses, though. That's just crazy.

And the President needs to get on board, too. Otherwise, we're just milking this Republican control for all we can get out of it for up to eight years, then we'll lose it all and will have to content ourselves by sitting back and saying, "What a time it was." But it wasn't, or isn't, or whatever. I want my small government. I want my low taxes. I want my political conservatism.


  1. Something's got to move the Republicans in the right direction.

    This wouldn't be imolation--that's why I said only *one* house of Congress!

  2. Anonymous6:07 AM

    I could be wrong, but I don't think we're going to lose a substantial number of seats, much less the House or Senate. I don't see the Democrats being able to pick up the ball and run with it, even though we have handed it to them.

  3. I guess I just can't change my paradigm. I still see the Democrats as overpowerful and the Republicans as underdogs. We make the slightest mistake, and boom, we're outta there.

    Recent experience notwithstanding, of course.

  4. Anonymous11:36 AM


    Please don't insult drunken sailors...they spend their own money!

  5. Good point, Mike.

    How's northern Britain?
