Thursday, March 16, 2006

Angels In The Sky

Today at the end of lunch the Blue Angels flew low and fast over our campus. They'll be performing this weekend at an airshow at the former Mather Air Force Base. I heard them fly over but didn't see them.

On my way home from work I saw them. How could I not? They were so low that I could read US Navy under their wings! I'm surprised there weren't car accidents everywhere as people craned their necks to see those amazing pieces of military hardware. Loud, fast, and powerful--I'm glad they're on our side! Additionally, people from businesses on both sides of the road were outside, eyes skyward, trying to catch a glimpse of whatever it was that was causing that roar.

I think I know what we're doing this weekend.


  1. Anonymous6:59 PM

    I GOT A RECORDING ON MY CELL PHONE....that im not suposed to have at school.....

  2. What did this recording say?

  3. Blue Angels....just last week, they were buzzing my school and interrupting my lessons.....

    They do make a really COOL sound though, don't they. Some years, when they have their first airshow of the season at NAF-El Centro, I take my boys out to the fields just east of the navy base.....LOTS of really COOL sounds! And the sights are pretty good too.

  4. Anonymous9:08 PM

    no.....i ment i was able to record the angles flyin by (video)

  5. Since you're taking a trig class, it's good that you've recorded angles. :-)

  6. Anonymous10:06 PM

    o crap...i ment angels
