Monday, February 13, 2006

A New Job

Online poll here. Answer in the comments section.

Question: Should I apply for one of these jobs?


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I don't see any teaching positions in that list.

    Is that on purpose?

  2. Bob, should there be? CTA doesn't hire teachers--school districts do. CTA just extorts money from teachers.

    And being such a fan of the CTA like I am, perhaps I should go work for them. One of their offices is within walking distance of my house.

  3. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Oh ... I see. So the CTA is the teacher's union?

    (I also noted some of the salaries seemed to be higher than teachers make in several years in Georgia ...)

  4. Yep. California Teachers Association.

    Some of them pay more than I make now. Hmmmm.

  5. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Well, Darren, it would sure be fun to see you in the CTA! :-) We need people like you in there.

    Unfortunately, I think working there for more than a few minutes would send you (or me, or any sane person for that matter) straight into a jacket with no sleeves and a nice, quiet, padded room.
