Sunday, February 26, 2006

Live Free or Die

I guess not *everyone* in the Northeast is a wuss.


  1. Anonymous12:55 PM

    What a great article. It kind of makes me embarrassed about my state's wimpy motto ("Wisdom, justice, and moderation" -- Georgia)

    You want to know another liberal-conservative divider? Lee Greenwood's song "God Bless the USA." Liberals hate it; conservatives love it. Then there's those who cover by saying that they don't like country music but we know what beats in their hearts! (Wink, wink)

    I really like keeping up with your web site, Darren. I don't know how you manage to post every day.

  2. As a Masshole born and bred, I always found it interesting that almost-libertarian New Hampshire was right next to almost-socialist Vermont. And everyone loves to slam my Massachusetts as liberal, but check out our parade of recent governors. New England is a great place and if only they had more jobs I could have stayed. :)

  3. Anonymous11:02 PM

    As I said on my blog (and I thought I would put up a note here as well), I have always viewed "Live Free or Die" as a great liberal slogan. Shocked to learn that there might be other liberals who wouldn't like it.

    I wonder if they really mean "pacificists" don't like the slogan. I think you can be a liberal without being a pacifist.

  4. Of course, Richard. Because God knows the state government in Vermont takes its marching orders from George Bush himself.

    You're going to have to do better than that, especially for a motto that predates the President by a couple centuries.

  5. Kumbayyah hasn't solved much, Richard.
