Thursday, January 19, 2006

Finals Victory

This week is final exam week at school. The tension is palpable.

My Algebra I classes are mostly freshmen, and yesterday my last Algebra I class took its final exam. One student in that class has been a B/C student all semester--capable, but makes bonehead mistakes (negative signs, things like that). He definitely wants to do well and didn't quit when he experienced setbacks. He had a pretty strong C going into the final.

After class yesterday he asked if I'd grade his final so I did. A-! I put that grade into my grade program and out came his semester percentage--80.1%, a B- by the skin of his teeth! I'm not sure which of us was happier.

I let him call his mother from the phone in the classroom. She gave a--how shall I say it?--interesting response. So when he got off the phone I gave him the congratulatory hug he deserved.


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    It's January. How can you have finals week in January?

  2. I'm dying to know what the mother's response was. Good for you for dispensing the deserved hug and affirmation.

  3. Rightwingprof: finals week is in January because tomorrow is the last day of the semester.

    Joan: I'd rather not give any more details than I already have. It's a fine line to walk when blogging, telling a story whilst also having to maintain strict confidentiality. I'll just say that the response wasn't what I would have said if my own son had just kicked butt on a final exam.

  4. Anonymous12:36 AM

    i had a 89.9% going into the trig final... came out with 90.3% :)
