Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Danes--Still Tough After All These Years

Socialism, among other ills, had made the Europeans into milquetoasts--but here, at least, the Danes are showing some backbone, and GOOD FOR THEM!

Are they truly the people who will face down the ignorance and intolerance of the Muslim world? And is our government really not going to stand with them?

This was last September and the Muslims aren’t letting this issue go away. They’ve already lodged a somewhat florid protest at the UN, where they got the sympathy of a tranzi ear or two. But their aim is an abject apology from Denmark for breaking an Islamic taboo - or else. They grow more threatening and the courageous Anders Rasmussen calmly declines to change his mind, saying publishing cartoons is not against Danish law, which is the law that applies in Denmark.

Why are our cowardly leaders letting the steadfast Mr Rasmussen and the newspaper’s editors take the heat alone? Why has not one American Congressman raised the issue in Congress? No one would expect an unequivocal response from the British prime minister, but is there not one British MP brave enough to support Mr Rasmussen and the Danish people who are, after all, defending the liberty of all of us? Is there not one newspaper editor – even a tabloid – with the strength of conviction to support the Danes? Now Danish livelihoods are being threatened for failing to condemn this infraction against Islamic law, with boycotts of their products.

Makes me wish I used butter, cheese, and whatever else the Danes export. For the nothing it's worth, Right On The Left Coast stand with the Danes. The cartoons can be seen here.

And ladies, here is some advice from the people offended by those silly cartoons. I especially like the section on intercourse.


  1. Is it a coincidence that the Danes have productive North Sea oil fields?

  2. Probably not. ANWR and Florida, anyone?

    And I'm still all about solar power all over the West and Southwest.

  3. Free Speech seems to be in the ears of those who hear it.....

    As for that link to ISLAM TODAY, with tips (instructions?) for women to make their husband happy, if it didn't say "ISLAM" up on top of that page and contained references to Allah and Islamic literature, I'd a thought it was from Southern Baptist literature.... :-0

  4. Polski, even the part about leaving your husband to fully satisfy his desire? =)

  5. The Danes make an absolutely wicked blue cheese. Roquefort holds only a faint candle. Therein lies reason enough to support them, oil be damned.

  6. And yeah. Lived entirely off the grid for not quite 15 years just outside of 'Vegas, so I'm all over solar power as well. How there can be all those flat roofs without photo-voltaic is absolutely beyond me.

  7. Well, it was nice while it lasted:

    For those of you who don't want to check out the link, it's an apology. Oh, Vikings who extorted Dangeld from my ancestors, where has your toughness gone?
