Friday, January 20, 2006

Administrator Porn?

From Texas:

Midway Independent School Disitrict officials are deciding how to punish as many as seven students for a senior prank taken too far.

The prank involves a very graphic, cut and paste style picture, depicting school officials in a compromising and pronographic situation.

The picture was mailed to every senior at Midway High School.

District officials won't tell us how the students will be punished because of thier policy.

We contacted the postal inspector's office, but so far there is no word on whether or not charges will be pressed. Mailing pornography is a third degree felony with serious punishments including jail time.

If they had emailed the pictures I doubt there'd be anything anyone could (legally) do. And personally, I find this somewhat humorous. While I'm sure I'd be less than thrilled if it were my face photoshopped into some pornographic picture (unless my "new" body looked really good), to me this seems mostly harmless. And if it's not harmless, I would hope that it doesn't rise to the level of a "third degree felony".

1 comment:

  1. There was an incident a little like this in Richmond, VA a few years ago. The student posted pics on a website that included his face and the principal's face in a... how did they say it? "A compromising and pornographic situation".

    She (the principal) did press charges. I don't remember ever seeing the results in the paper...
