Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Ultimate War Simulation For The Personal Computer

After all these years, I still love playing Sid Meiers' Gettysburg. If you haven't played it, you should. Perhaps you, too, will make a trek to the actual battlefield after playing the game a few hundred times.

But that's a game about a battle that happened over 140 years ago. Read this post on what a realistic modern-day wargame would look like.


  1. That link was absolutely amazing. I'm an AF wife. You have no idea how accurate it is. I'll be sharing that link with a few friends!

  2. Anonymous4:16 AM

    This is a great link...will send it around to some of the usual suspects...

    I really love "I want a little drop-down menu that will let me tell them that they, in fact, can't handle the truth!"

  3. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I must say that because of games like you said, I would not be the man I am now. I have played numerous games that dealt with WWII batttles, and battles of long ago(Agincourt, Tours, Lepanto etc...) As for me I am very interested in playing that Gettysburg game. I love the movie with Martine Sheen and I myself have become an authority on that battle as I have the Ken Burn's series as well. I agree there are advantages but at the same time disadvantages.
