Monday, December 12, 2005

Thick Envelope From CTA

I received a rather thick envelope from CTA today. In it was a not-very-friendly letter acknowledging my status as an agency fee payer, as well as a membership form in case I have a change of heart!

I'll post more about this at a later date but wanted everyone to know that it's official. Fellow California teachers, it's your union, not mine.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM


    Remember, it's not about the money.

  2. You're right, it's not--at least for me.

  3. "Fellow California teachers, it's your union, not mine."

    True. But Boss Kerr will still be getting a substantial amount of your money.

    I'd be most interested in knowing how much you get back from that legalized syndicate.

  4. Did they send the packet to you POSTAGE DUE ?

  5. They sent me an income/expense statement which I haven't looked over in detail. There were three boxes on this one form, one each for the local, state, and national unions, and I was asked to check any or all of the boxes if I objected to any of that level's expenditures. I was instructed to check the box *only* if I object to expenditures.

    Given the crappy tone of their letter, I've made a decision. Anyone want to field a guess how many of those three boxes I'm going to check?

  6. Anonymous6:34 AM

    You'll get a pro-rated amount this year, and it will include the $60.00 assessment. Next year you'll get the whole amount (perhaps as much as $400).
    Just getting that check in your hands will be satisfaction enough. Wouldn't it be great if thousands of teachers were to opt out every year? Imagine the financial effect. Boss Kerr won't miss you, but she will certainly miss yo' money!!!

  7. Lillian, considering how much money I'm paying as an agency fee payer--without the option of voting on my own contract!--I still feel like an ATM. The only difference now is maybe they're not taking out fees :-)
