Wednesday, December 07, 2005

NEA, World Government, and Socialism


This article is a very valuable document showing the goals of the NEA nearly 70 years ago in 1932. This is about the time that William Z. Foster wrote Toward Soviet America and the Humanists wrote their First Manifesto. It should be read and kept as a clear understanding of the subversive plans the NEA had for using America's schools. Many people think of these goals as recent. This article should serve to set them straight.


  1. Anonymous12:59 AM

    In addition to pursuing a broad non-education related agenda, the National Education Association actively pursues a decidedly liberal social agenda through its resolutions, its legislative agenda, and financial support of and alignment with liberal social groups such as National Organization for Women, Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, Human Rights Campaign, and People for the American Way. Such an agenda is problematic for several reasons:
    In pursuing such an agenda, the NEA misrepresents its own membership.
    Such positions undermine the values central to American culture and society.
    This agenda is not in the best interest in the health and welfare of children and families.
    This social agenda includes NEA support for:

    Student access to teaching about the use of birth control
    Coordination with liberal or pro-abortion community agencies, such as Planned Parenthood.
    The normalization of homosexuality
    Increased gun regulations
    Federal childcare birth through age eight
    Free access of children to all media and material, including internet pornography and age-inappropriate printed material
    Increased federalism in education
    Federal, state and local hate crimes legislation
    Total federal assumption of welfare
    United Nations, including the ratification of the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child
    Comprehensive school based health care, including access to birth control and "family planning" services

  2. Don't make the mistake of thinking that NEA should be advocating for children. It shouldn't. They extort *my* money, they should be advocating for *me*.

    The moment you open the door to advocating "for the children" then you've opened the floodgates for all that other crap. If I were donating the money, it would be a different story. But since I'm compelled to pay, they should only be spending that money on things that *directly* affect Darren's pay and working conditions.

  3. For several articles dealing with the major problems with public education, some of which have to do with the National Education Association please check out

    In the DVD "IndoctriNation" the head of the NEA was caught on film stating "This is not about education. It's about money and power." He was right. The NEA is not about education.
