Thursday, December 01, 2005

I'm Dying

I started feeling lousy after lunch today, and by the time I got home from school I felt like death warmed over (and not very warm, either). I was on the couch for a couple of hours before I could even stand again. I have hopes of feeling well enough to work tomorrow!

I did drag myself into my library, however, to post this picture. A student gave it to me yesterday and gave me permission to post it here. Having no artistic abilities of my own (of any kind), I am always in awe of those who do.

Thank you, Loni!


  1. Love the cartoon. Hope you are feeling better now.

  2. I'm alive this morning and have high hopes that I'll make it through the day :-)

  3. You sound like you could use a hug! *grinning, running, and ducking*

  4. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Isn't Loni just the best ? She did my get well card last year. . .

  5. Dan, I hope your 'get well' card didn't mention your death, as my cartoon mentioned mine!

  6. Anonymous11:42 PM

    It did, but it was greatly exaggerated.
