Thursday, December 29, 2005

Comments on Clearwater Beach

Beautiful views here. With the Outback Bowl being played across the bay in Tampa in a few days, the college hotties are out in force! Oh, and the beach is spectacular. The sand is like powdered silk, not gritty at all. I'm bringing some back home :-)

I'll post some pictures when I get home.

One thing I'll say that surprised me--there sure are a lot of Confederate flags for sale on towels, boogie boards, etc here. I don't have a problem with that, just that it surprised me to see that flag so frequently.


  1. Anonymous3:14 PM


    The South, as they say, shall rise agin. The War of Northern Agression is still being fought up here in Georgia where I live.

    The symbol has just been removed from Georgia's flag in the last few years and there's a story about that too but I won't tell it here.

    Have fun!

    Bob Denham

  2. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Its pretty down there. Ive been there 4 times my self, to Dunedin to be more specific. I wasn't diggin The whole Florida humidity thing so it wasnt my favorite vacation spot. But I would go back, because I did have alot of fun.

