Sunday, December 25, 2005

All You Socialists Out There...

Read this about France's titanic debt. This is what you want for America? If not, how do you expect the government (read, the citizens) to pay for all the social programs you want while at the same time avoiding the European problem, as modeled here by France?


  1. Yet our economy continues to grow.

    I'm with Edward, though. We do have too much debt. Time to cut waste in government. We can start with this stupid prescription drug benefit, continue with the TSA, take a detour through omnibus spending bills that include everything but the kitchen sink (and sometimes include said sink)....

  2. France's debt of $1000 billion is small. I wish the US was so good! In 2003, the interest alone on the US debt was $318 billion!!!

    Oh yea, capitalism is so much better!

  3. And which economy is thriving, and which is not, veggiedude?

  4. The one in Communist China. They build a city the size of Houston each and every month.

  5. Ah yes, Communist China. The socialist workers' paradise. Highest standard of living in the world, highest lifespan, most free citizenry.
