Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Stinging Indictment of Urban Schools

This, from StrategyPage.com:

November 7, 2005: The U.S. Department of Defense sees urban schools as ones of its biggest recruiting obstacles. Not because leftist teachers in some of those schools try to keep recruiters out, but because so many potential recruits have to be turned down because of the poor education they have received in those schools. While only 21 percent of Americans live in rural areas, 44 percent of the qualified recruits come from these areas. What’s strange about all this is that the rural areas spend much less, per pupil, on education, but get much better results. Part of this can be attributed to differences in cost of living, but a lot of it has to do with simply getting more done with less...
The rural recruits are also a lot easier to train, and generally make better soldiers. The urban recruits often have a bad attitude, as well as a difficult time getting along with others, and following instructions. The urban schools deserve some of the blame for this, while rural schools tend to be far more orderly, and put more emphasis on civil responsibility. (emphasis mine--Darren.)

Update: And the Washington Times reports that it's the middle class, not the poor, who "are providing the bulk of wartime recruits to the armed forces." As Joanne (see blogroll at left) points out, "Low-income youths are underrepresented, almost certainly because they're not educated enough to qualify."

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